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Study to expand the social network of the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia and draw the main strategic lines on cultural development cooperation
Organism that entrust the evaluation:
Performed by:
AVALUEM, analysis and development
Leaders of the process:
Núria Camps and Imma Bartrina
From November 2008 to February 2009

UNESCOCAT's mission consist on defending and promoting the value of cultures, in the fields of peace, human rights, development, education, sustainability, interreligious dialogue, linguistic diversity and heritage. With this objective broadcasts programs and materials developed by UNESCO and offers technical support and visibility to the action of civil society of the UNESCO, channelled through the networks of libraries, chairs, schools, associations and clubs UNESCO in Catalunya.

In the framework of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia, in 2009, is intended to expand the network of collaborators of UNESCOCAT and at the same time, inform the work that has taken place so far.

The study analyses what are the possible routes for the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia to expand the network of social relations in different areas and establish incidence pathways and mechanisms of relationship between different families UNESCOCAT with the headquarters to design common traits that facilitate a joint external image. The elaborated document also includes specific lines in the field of cultural cooperation to development.

AVALUEM, anàlisi i desenvolupament. Rocafort, 242 bis, 3r pis - 08029 - Barcelona. Tel. 93 322 17 36 - 606 995 623 |